Caloric Calculator


Use the Caloric Calculator to accurately determine how many calories and grams from each of the three "Macronutrients" (Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat) you should be consuming daily. Input your goals and demographic information and within seconds you will be presented with a simple read out of what your body needs to get the results you want.

Please Fill in the Following Information

Goal :
Gender :
Activities :
Height :
Height :
Age :
Weight :
The Height is required.
The Feet is required.
The Age is required.
The Weight is required.
MacroNutrients Calories Grams
Carbohyrates {{CalCarbohydrates}} {{GrmCarbohydrates}}
Protein {{CalProtein}} {{GrmProtein}}
Fats {{CalFat}} {{GrmFat}}
Total Calories {{Tot}} {{totg}}